EPO Validation Agreements: An Overview for Patent Applicants

When filing for a patent in Europe, it is important to consider the validation process for your patent. The European Patent Office (EPO) has agreements with various countries outside of Europe for validating patents, known as EPO validation agreements.

What are EPO Validation Agreements?

EPO validation agreements are bilateral agreements between the EPO and non-European countries that allow for the validation of European patents in those countries. These agreements enable patent holders to extend their patent protection to countries outside of Europe without having to file individual applications in each country.

Currently, the EPO has validation agreements with several countries, including Morocco, Tunisia, Cambodia, and Moldova. These agreements allow for the validation of European patents in those countries and give the same legal protection as patents granted by the national patent offices.

How do EPO Validation Agreements work?

When a patent is granted by the EPO, the patent holder has the option to validate their patent in any country that has a validation agreement with the EPO. To validate a patent, the patent holder must follow the specific requirements and procedures in each country.

For example, if a patent holder wants to validate their patent in Morocco, they must file a request with the Moroccan Industrial Property Office along with the necessary documentation and payment of fees. Once validated, the patent holder has the same legal protection as they would in Europe.

Why are EPO Validation Agreements important?

EPO validation agreements are important for patent holders as they provide a cost-effective and efficient way to extend their patent protection to countries outside of Europe. Instead of having to go through the lengthy and expensive process of filing individual patent applications in each country, patent holders can simply validate their European patent in countries that have EPO validation agreements.

Additionally, EPO validation agreements can also benefit the countries themselves, as they can attract foreign investment and promote technological innovation.


EPO validation agreements provide patent holders with an efficient and cost-effective way to extend their patent protection outside of Europe. By having these agreements with non-European countries, patent holders can avoid the lengthy and expensive process of filing individual applications in each country. As the number of countries with EPO validation agreements continues to grow, patent holders have more opportunities to protect their intellectual property rights globally.